kcl-samples → gear




// Gear
// A rotating machine part having cut teeth or, in the case of a cogwheel, inserted teeth (called cogs), which mesh with another toothed part to transmit torque. Geared devices can change the speed, torque, and direction of a power source. The two elements that define a gear are its circular shape and the teeth that are integrated into its outer edge, which are designed to fit into the teeth of another gear.

// Define constants
const gearRadius = 2 // inches
const nTeeth = 8 
const width = 2 // inches

// Create a function for sketch of a single tooth
fn tooth = () => {
  const toothSketch = startSketchOn('XY')
    |> startProfileAt([0, gearRadius], %)
    |> arc({
         angleStart: 90,
         angleEnd: 90 - (180 / pi() * asin(0.7376425 / gearRadius)),
         radius: gearRadius
       }, %, $base)
    |> angledLine({
         angle: 180 - (180 / pi() * asin(0.7376425 / gearRadius)),
         length: 0.0001
       }, %)
    |> tangentialArc({
         offset: -70 + 180 / pi() * asin(0.7376425 / gearRadius),
         radius: 0.389854023
       }, %, $philly)
    |> line([-0.329118, 0.904244], %)
    |> tangentialArcTo([
         lastSegX(%) - 0.157636,
         lastSegY(%) + 0.110378
       ], %, $corner)
    |> xLineTo(0, %)
    |> xLineTo(-1 * segEndX(corner), %)
    |> tangentialArcTo([
         lastSegX(%) - 0.157636,
         lastSegY(%) - 0.110378
       ], %)
    |> lineTo([-1 * segEndX(philly), segEndY(philly)], %, $tag2)
    |> tangentialArcTo([-1 * segEndX(base), segEndY(base)], %)
    |> arc({
         angleEnd: 90,
         angleStart: 90 + 180 / pi() * asin(0.7376425 / gearRadius),
         radius: gearRadius
       }, %)
    |> close(%)
    |> extrude(width, %)
  return [toothSketch]

// Create  the body
const body = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> circle([0, 0], gearRadius, %)
  |> extrude(width, %)

// Pattern the teeth around the body
const teeth = tooth()
  |> patternCircular3d({
       arcDegrees: 360,
       axis: [0, 0, 1],
       center: [0, 0, 0],
       repetitions: nTeeth - 1,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

// Define the constants of the keyway and the bore hole
const keywayWidth = 0.250
const keywayDepth = keywayWidth/2
const holeDiam = 2
const holeRadius = 1
const startAngle = asin(keywayWidth/2/holeRadius)

// sketch the keyway and center hole and extrude
const sketch001 = startSketchOn(body, 'END')
  |> startProfileAt([holeRadius*cos(startAngle), holeRadius*sin(startAngle)], %)
  |> xLine(keywayDepth, %)
  |> yLine(-keywayWidth,%)
  |> xLine(-keywayDepth,%)
  |> arc({
    angleEnd: 180,
    angleStart: -1*180/pi()*startAngle+360,
    radius: holeRadius,
  }, %)
  |> arc({
    angleEnd: 180/pi()*startAngle,
    angleStart: 180,
    radius: holeRadius,
  }, %)
  |> close(%)
  |> extrude(-width, %)