kcl-samples → lego




// Lego Brick
// A standard Lego brick. This is a small, plastic construction block toy that can be interlocked with other blocks to build various structures, models, and figures. There are a lot of hacks used in this code.

// Set Units
@settings(defaultLengthUnit = in)

// Define constants
lbumps = 5 // number of bumps long
wbumps = 3 // number of bumps wide
pitch = 8.0
clearance = 0.1
bumpDiam = 4.8
bumpHeight = 1.8
height = 3.2
t = (pitch - (2 * clearance) - bumpDiam) / 2.0
postDiam = pitch - t // works out to 6.5
totalLength = lbumps * pitch - (2.0 * clearance)
totalWidth = wbumps * pitch - (2.0 * clearance)

// Calculate the number of segments in the length and width
lSegments = totalLength / lbumps
wSegments = totalWidth / wbumps

// Add assertions to ensure that the number of bumps are greater than 1
assertGreaterThan(lbumps, 1, "lbumps must be greater than 1")
assertGreaterThan(wbumps, 1, "wbumps must be greater than 1")

// Create the plane for the pegs. This is a hack so that the pegs can be patterned along the face of the lego base.
pegFace = {
  plane = {
    origin = { x = 0, y = 0, z = height },
    xAxis = { x = 1, y = 0, z = 0 },
    yAxis = { x = 0, y = 1, z = 0 },
    zAxis = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 1 }

// Create the plane for the tubes underneath the lego. This is a hack so that the tubes can be patterned underneath the lego.
tubeFace = {
  plane = {
    origin = { x = 0, y = 0, z = height - t },
    xAxis = { x = 1, y = 0, z = 0 },
    yAxis = { x = 0, y = 1, z = 0 },
    zAxis = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 1 }

// Make the base
s = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> startProfileAt([-totalWidth / 2, -totalLength / 2], %)
  |> line(end = [totalWidth, 0])
  |> line(end = [0, totalLength])
  |> line(end = [-totalWidth, 0])
  |> close()
  |> extrude(length = height)

// Sketch and extrude a rectangular shape to create the shell underneath the lego. This is a hack until we have a shell function.
shellExtrude = startSketchOn(s, "start")
  |> startProfileAt([
       -(totalWidth / 2 - t),
       -(totalLength / 2 - t)
     ], %)
  |> line(end = [totalWidth - (2 * t), 0])
  |> line(end = [0, totalLength - (2 * t)])
  |> line(end = [-(totalWidth - (2 * t)), 0])
  |> close()
  |> extrude(length = -(height - t))

// Create the pegs on the top of the base
peg = startSketchOn(s, 'end')
  |> circle(
       center = [
         -(pitch * (wbumps - 1) / 2),
         -(pitch * (lbumps - 1) / 2)
       radius = bumpDiam / 2
  |> patternLinear2d(
       axis = [1, 0],
       instances = wbumps,
       distance = pitch
  |> patternLinear2d(
       axis = [0, 1],
       instances = lbumps,
       distance = pitch
  |> extrude(length = bumpHeight)

// Create the pegs on the bottom of the base
tubePattern = startSketchOn(tubeFace)
  |> circle(
       center = [
         -(pitch * (wbumps - 1) / 2 - (pitch / 2)),
         -(pitch * (lbumps - 1) / 2 - (pitch / 2))
       radius = bumpDiam / 2
  |> patternLinear2d(
       axis = [1, 0],
       instances = wbumps - 1,
       distance = pitch
  |> patternLinear2d(
       axis = [0, 1],
       instances = lbumps - 1,
       distance = pitch
  |> extrude(length = -bumpHeight)