kcl-samples → hex-nut →

// Hex nut
// A hex nut is a type of fastener with a threaded hole and a hexagonal outer shape, used in a wide variety of applications to secure parts together. The hexagonal shape allows for a greater torque to be applied with wrenches or tools, making it one of the most common nut types in hardware.
// Set Units
@settings(defaultLengthUnit = in)
// Define constants (5/16" - 24 thread size)
wallToWallLength = 0.5
thickness = 0.266
diameter = 0.3125
// Define a function for the hex nut
fn hexNut(start, thk, innerDia) {
hexNutSketch = startSketchOn('-XZ')
|> startProfileAt([start[0] + innerDia, start[1]], %)
|> angledLine({ angle = 240, length = innerDia }, %)
|> angledLine({ angle = 180, length = innerDia }, %)
|> angledLine({ angle = 120, length = innerDia }, %)
|> angledLine({ angle = 60, length = innerDia }, %)
|> angledLine({ angle = 0, length = innerDia * .90 }, %)
|> close()
|> hole(circle(
center = [start[0], start[1]],
radius = innerDia / 2
), %)
|> extrude(length = thk)
return hexNutSketch
// Create a hex nut
hexNut([0, 0], thickness, diameter)