kcl-samples → gridfinity-baseplate-magnets




// Gridfinity Baseplate With Magnets
// Gridfinity is a system to help you work more efficiently. This is a system invented by Zack Freedman. There are two main components the baseplate and the bins. The components are comprised of a matrix of squares. Allowing easy stacking and expansion. This baseplate version includes holes for magnet placement

// Set units in millimeters (mm)
@settings(defaultLengthUnit = mm)

// Define constants
binLength = 42.0
cornerRadius = 4.0
firstStep = 0.7
secondStep = 1.8
thirdStep = 2.15
magOuterDiam = 6.5
magOffset = 4.8
magDepth = 2.4

// Number of bins in each direction
countBinWidth = 2
countBinLength = 3

// The total height of the baseplate is a summation of the vertical heights of the baseplate steps
height = firstStep + secondStep + thirdStep

// define a function which builds the profile of the baseplate bin
fn face(plane) {
  faceSketch = startSketchOn(plane)
    |> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
    |> yLine(length = height)
    |> angledLineOfYLength({ angle = -45, length = thirdStep }, %)
    |> yLine(length = -secondStep)
    |> angledLineOfYLength({ angle = -45, length = firstStep }, %)
    |> close()
  return faceSketch

// extrude a single side of the bin
singleSide = extrude(face(offsetPlane("YZ", offset = cornerRadius)), length = binLength - (cornerRadius * 2), )

// create the other sides of the bin by using a circular pattern
sides = patternCircular3d(
  arcDegrees = 360,
  axis = [0, 0, 1],
  center = [binLength / 2, binLength / 2, 0],
  instances = 4,
  rotateDuplicates = true

// define an axis axis000
axis000 = {
  custom = {
    axis = [0.0, 1.0],
    origin = [cornerRadius, cornerRadius]

// create a single corner of the bin
singleCorner = revolve({ angle = -90, axis = axis000 }, face(offsetPlane("YZ", offset = cornerRadius)))

// create the corners of the bin
corners = patternCircular3d(
  arcDegrees = 360,
  axis = [0, 0, 1],
  center = [binLength / 2, binLength / 2, 0],
  instances = 4,
  rotateDuplicates = true

// create the baseplate by patterning sides
basePlateSides = patternLinear3d(
       axis = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
       instances = countBinWidth,
       distance = binLength
  |> patternLinear3d(
       axis = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
       instances = countBinLength,
       distance = binLength

// create the corners of the baseplate by patterning the corners
basePlateCorners = patternLinear3d(
       axis = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
       instances = countBinWidth,
       distance = binLength
  |> patternLinear3d(
       axis = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
       instances = countBinLength,
       distance = binLength

// create the center cutout for the magnet profile
fn magnetCenterCutout(plane) {
  magnetSketch = startSketchOn(plane)
    |> startProfileAt([
         firstStep + thirdStep,
         2 * magOuterDiam
       ], %)
    |> xLine(length = 2 * magOuterDiam - (firstStep + thirdStep) - (magOuterDiam / 2))
    |> arc({
         angleStart = 90.0,
         angleEnd = 0.0,
         radius = magOuterDiam / 2
       }, %)
    |> yLine(length = -(2 * magOuterDiam - (firstStep + thirdStep) - (magOuterDiam / 2)))
    |> xLine(length = binLength - (4 * magOuterDiam))
    |> yLine(length = 2 * magOuterDiam - (firstStep + thirdStep) - (magOuterDiam / 2))
    |> arc({
         angleStart = 180.0,
         angleEnd = 90.0,
         radius = magOuterDiam / 2
       }, %)
    |> xLine(length = 2 * magOuterDiam - (firstStep + thirdStep) - (magOuterDiam / 2))
    |> yLine(length = binLength - (4 * magOuterDiam))
    |> xLine(length = -(2 * magOuterDiam - (firstStep + thirdStep) - (magOuterDiam / 2)))
    |> arc({
         angleStart = 270.0,
         angleEnd = 180.0,
         radius = magOuterDiam / 2
       }, %)
    |> yLine(length = 2 * magOuterDiam - (firstStep + thirdStep) - (magOuterDiam / 2))
    |> xLine(length = -(binLength - (4 * magOuterDiam)), tag = $line012)
    |> yLine(length = -(2 * magOuterDiam - (firstStep + thirdStep) - (magOuterDiam / 2)))
    |> arc({
         angleStart = 360.0,
         angleEnd = 270.0,
         radius = magOuterDiam / 2
       }, %)
    |> xLine(length = -(2 * magOuterDiam - (firstStep + thirdStep) - (magOuterDiam / 2)))
    |> yLine(length = -(binLength - (4 * magOuterDiam)))
    |> close()
  return magnetSketch

// create the outside profile of the magnets
fn magnetBase(plane) {
  magnetBaseSketch = startSketchOn(plane)
    |> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
    |> xLine(length = binLength, tag = $line001)
    |> yLine(length = binLength, tag = $line002)
    |> xLine(endAbsolute = profileStartX(%), tag = $line003)
    |> close(tag = $line004)
    |> hole(magnetCenterCutout(plane), %)
  return magnetBaseSketch

// create sketch profile sketch000Profile002
magnetsSketch = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> circle(
       center = [cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2],
       radius = magOuterDiam / 2
  |> patternCircular2d(
       center = [binLength / 2, binLength / 2],
       instances = 4,
       arcDegrees = 360,
       rotateDuplicates = true

// create a profile with holes for the magnets
magnetProfile = magnetBase("XY")
  |> hole(magnetsSketch, %)

// create an extrusion of the magnet cutout with holes
magnetHolesExtrude = extrude(magnetProfile, length = -magDepth)

// add a fillet to the extrusion
magnetHolesExtrudeFillets = fillet(
  radius = cornerRadius,
  tags = [

// create a profile without the holes for the magnets
magnetProfileNoMagnets = magnetBase(offsetPlane("XY", offset = -magDepth))

// create an extrusion of the magnet cutout without holes
magnetCutoutExtrude = extrude(magnetProfileNoMagnets, length = -magDepth)

// add a fillet to the extrusion
magnetCutoutExtrudeFillets = fillet(
  radius = cornerRadius,
  tags = [

// pattern the magnet cutouts with holes
       axis = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
       instances = countBinWidth,
       distance = binLength
  |> patternLinear3d(
       axis = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
       instances = countBinLength,
       distance = binLength

// pattern the magnet cutouts without holes
       axis = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
       instances = countBinWidth,
       distance = binLength
  |> patternLinear3d(
       axis = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
       instances = countBinLength,
       distance = binLength