kcl-samples → i-beam




// I-beam
// A structural metal beam with an I shaped cross section. Often used in construction

// Set Units
@settings(defaultLengthUnit = in)

//Define Beam Dimensions
beamLength = 24
beamWidth = 2.663
beamHeight = 4
wallThickness = 0.293

// Sketch a quadrant of the beam cross section, then mirror for symmetry across each axis. Extrude to the appropriate length
sketch001 = startSketchOn('-XZ')
  |> startProfileAt([0, beamHeight/2], %)
  |> xLine(length = beamWidth/2)
  |> yLine(length = -wallThickness)
  |> xLine(endAbsolute = wallThickness/2)
  |> yLine(endAbsolute = 0)
  |> mirror2d({ axis = 'X' }, %)
  |> mirror2d({ axis = 'Y' }, %)
  |> extrude(length = beamLength)